Track everything

All your items, in one convenient location

Just put a sticker on anything you don't want to lose. Popular items include:
- Phones- Laptops- Tablets / eReaders- Headphones / earbuds- Power banks- Power adapters / chargers- Portable gaming devices- Passports- Credit Cards- Wallets / Purses- Hard drives- Thumb drives- GoPros / Cameras- Portable speakers- Sports equipment- Power tools- Camping gear- Water bottles

Lifesaver app screenshot of items being tracked

Simple setup

Just tap to add a new item. Then give the item a name and scan the sticker's QR code. That's it!


Fast search

With 3 ways to search for a lost item, notifying the rightful owner is fast and easy.


In-app messaging

When a lost item is found, a message thread starts between the person who found it and its rightful owner.
From there, either meet in person to retrieve your lost item or provide a mailing address and get it shipped back to you!
Lifesaver does not share any personal information. Once the conversation is started, you decide the best way to get your lost item back and you decide how much (if any) information to share with the person who has it.


Clean, intuitive interface

Losing stuff is already stressful. That's why the Lifesaver app is so easy to use and navigate.
Ordering stickers, adding new items, searching for lost items, messaging, and more - all just one tap away.

Download now

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Download the Lifesaver app from the Google Play Store